Stunning Birds: Spix is the most gorgeous!
While it is lovely to see these creatures returned to “nature,” consider how their habitat has altered—something humans regrettably have not done.
But I sincerely hope that this endeavour is a huge success.
A valiant effort was launched in 1995 by scientists and environmentalists to preserve the Spix’s macaw, a blue-grey parrot that is the world’s rarest bird. Since it was initially identified by scientists in the early 1800s, there have been very few sightings of the bird, attracting parrot enthusiasts and poachers due to its aura of mystery.
They want to release eight Spix’s macaws from captivity into the wild on June 11, more than 25 years after the female vanished from sight. Twelve more are expected at the end of the year, and there will be more in the years to come. If all goes as planned, these birds will lead a new Spix’s macaw colony in their native environment.
The caatinga, a tropical dry forest that makes up almost 10% of northeastern Brazil, is the native habitat of the Spix’s macaw. The Spix’s macaws used to nest and feast on seeds and nuts in the hollows of old caraibeira trees that grew beside the creeks that sliced through the caatinga.
But, As the human footprint increased in the caatinga, the bird became even rarer.
For the Spix’s macaws to gain from their understanding of how to evade predators, locate food, and navigate, the team expects that this mixed flock will merge with wild Illigers in the caatinga.
Birds can be prevented from dispersing by releasing them when they reach the proper age. After age four, Spix’s macaws begin to breed and often return to the exact nesting location each year.
Following releasing 47 caged parrots into the wild, White and colleagues discovered that predation was the most significant hazard to the birds’ survival. Purchase covered trees with metal bands to deter opossums and other predators from climbing them, lowering the risk associated with the trees.
Programs for reintroduction are arduous and time-consuming, with several challenges. We wish you the best for this initiative. Years of hard work may be required to create a population that can support itself.
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(Photos right to the original owner)