A trapped husky was saved in a touching occurrence in Wells, Maine, thanks in large part to Captain Jeff Nawfel of the Wells Fire Department. The devoted dog was unable to respond to its owners’ frantic cries for assistance because it was chained to the home’s roof.
Dogs have long been our devoted friends and have benefited humans in various ways. While they frequently help us with our daily activities, there are times when they need human kindness to get over difficulties. This particular husky in Wells was a prime example of it.
The rescue operation was documented in a video posted on the Wells Police Department’s Facebook page. The local Fire Department was called since the dog was pinned and immobile on the rooftop. Even though it appeared to be a minor problem, the firefighters’ training was necessary to protect the safety of the furry pet.
It was Captain Nawfel’s responsibility to win the husky’s confidence. He bravely ascended onto the roof to comfort the frightened animal. Captain Nawfel delicately carried the husky back inside through a window after making sure he was safe, reuniting him with his relieved owners. Before going inside, though, the appreciative husky laid a kiss on the firefighter’s cheek to show her sincere gratitude for the risky rescue.
This heartwarming incident was published on social media by the Wells Police Department, which received much positive feedback. This story serves as a touching reminder of the special relationship between people and their animal friends, demonstrating the extent to which people would go to secure the security and welfare of these devoted pets.
photos right to the original owners