Cannot Wait Until They Find a Species That Is Its Full Size…
Biophilia_curiosus, a user on the website, recently uploaded several photographs that he had taken in Indonesia. They demonstrate a fascinating kind of gliding lizard that, in all honesty, resembles a smaller version of a dragon. Those who have seen the movie Avatar will be returned to the flying Toruks… More images can be found below.
According to what Biophilia_curiosus wrote, “The craziest part is that those lines you see running through the wings like veins are actually its ribs!” These individuals were severely harmed by evolution. They glide for large distances thanks to their ability to control how much their chests expand and contract. Only females that were in the process of laying their eggs were able to be captured by us. We could not do anything but watch as the men soared above us.
The Lambusango Forest Reserve is located in Buton, Indonesia, where the photographs were taken. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time anyone has successfully determined the precise species of this lizard. Those of you who know biology and can identify this specimen, please tell us what it is in the comments section below.
Biophilia_curiosus now works for Operation Wallacea and aspires to become a conservation biologist. The best of luck to him (or her? usually difficult to detect when users hide behind anonymous usernames). I wish you the best of luck with that. More of such is definitely needed in this world…
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According to, Beauty Of Planet Earth
(Photos right to the original owner)