Sunday, May 19, 2024
HomeAnimalsEven People Who Aren't Fond Of Spiders Will Find This Extremely Rare...

Even People Who Aren’t Fond Of Spiders Will Find This Extremely Rare Metallic Blue Tarantula Fascinating!

Most people feel a mixture of terror and fear at the mere sight of members of the arachnid family; however, there are those who, out of passion or study, analyse and photograph them very closely. It is difficult to approach a spider in peace and safety without feeling an intuitive sense of loathing and loathing: most humans experience a mixture of terror and fear at the mere sight of members of the arachnid family. Did you know, for instance, that vivid blue tarantulas in the wild are extremely rare and hard to come by?

The scientific name for this particular species is Poecilotheria metallica, the only spider species in the natural world with this specific coloring. They are the only tarantulas that have this vibrant blue coloration.

Sadly, sightings of this tarantula have decreased over the years, and the species is now considered endangered.

The blue tarantula is typical of southeast India, an area of ​​around 100 square kilometers today continually threatened by deforestation and local civil unrest.

This tarantula measures approximately 5 to 6 centimeters long, and the metallic blue coloration dominates most of its body. It is an arboreal tarantula that typically makes its home in holes in the bark of trees, where it spins webs to form a cocoon-like space for itself. It feeds primarily on flying insects, such as moths and butterflies but will also consume other types of insects, such as crickets and cockroaches.

The metallic blue tarantula is not venomous, and as a result, it poses no threat to human beings in any form. Despite its frightening appearance, it is not dangerous to humans.

Only come too near to her if you are either a novice or an expert in the field, as this is something that we strongly advise against!

When you see a tarantula of this size, it’s impossible not to experience a sensation of disgust. However, this tarantula’s natural metallic blue color is so intriguing and distinctive from any other color worldwide that it deserves to be known!


(Photos right to the original owner)


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